Case Study: Commonwealth Games Birmingham

Sutton Park hosted the Commonwealth Games Triathlon in July 2022.
ATZ were approached to support all elements of route safety including providing a team of 2 in event control and to support the planning and implementation of both the route safety for competition and course familiarisation.
ATZ Director Jim worked with all contractors to put together a plan for install and removal of all temporary infrastructure including all barrier deployment and removal, traffic management install on each day and the safe opening and closing of the roads around the large crowds. Jim then worked with security and stewarding providers to oversee deployment of all resource for crowd management and traffic management around the field of play.
There were huge challenges as a reduced planning time
A team of 8 ATZ staff were on site for a period of 1 week.
ATZ Director Andy was tasked with the planning of the course familiarisation sessions alongside Staffordshire police. Road closures were not granted for these sessions so ATZ and Staffordshire Police worked on a plan to utilise ATZ Motos, Staffordshire Police Motorcycles and Andy in the lead police vehicle alongside World Triathlon to manage the athletes and temporary holding of the public roads to facilitate safe passage of the athletes on multiple cycle laps. This needed to take place for the male, female, mixed relay and para athletes on multiple occasions.
The experience of some of the ATZ Motos alongside the police resource was a real asset to the event with Moto Team Leader Martin Ostick using his experience of overseeing the training and management of moto teams at the Olympic Games and Tour de France to propose tweaks to the initial plan to make the process smoother and safer.
The competition days went very smoothly. As always, with any multi-sport major games there were huge complications that we had to resolve with processes which were not made with one particular sport in mind, but a one size fits all approach across all venues and sports. ATZ’s experience of dealing with these kinds of challenges with our backgrounds in major sports events allowed us to take these in our strides.
The route was designed in a way which didn’t help local people go about their normal days, with huge swathes of the public landlocked inside a circular route. ATZ had to use our experience to support and facilitate local people, emergency services and deal with a number of medical incidents.
ATZ Motos piloted all technical officials, provided route safety and officiated the Para event. With a huge amount of knowledge and experience, they managed to deal with everything the event had to throw at us.
Thanks ATZ for supporting us at a fantastic Birmingham 2022 CWG! Your team couldn’t have been more supportive bringing years of major event experience onto the roads and control room of our Sutton Park venue. We appreciated the way you integrated so quickly into our venue and sport management teams
— Nick Davies, Technical Operations Manager Triathlon, Birmingham 2022 CWG

Case Study: ATZ Motos x London Marathon