Interview: Moto Martin Andrew

How long have you been doing this kind of work and how long for ATZ?

About three years. With NEG over ten years.

Highlights of working with ATZ?

Iron Man Wales was enjoyable for the scenery, camaraderie and the fabulous long way home (via the Brecon Beacons, or whatever it is now called).

Describe a typical day of a moto working on an event

Usually a very early start (not easy if it's cold, dark and wet outside). Often a slow start, then everything bursts into life and (hopefully) it stays that way until stood down.

What's your favourite aspect of the job?

Meeting customers/competitors and providing help when they most need it. Similarly chatting to and helping the public not involved but coming into contact with the event. Most are happy but sometimes we need to assist in calming down and hopefully helping those who at first are not so happy, and that’s the satisfying part of the job. We are a sort of motorcycle mounted diplomat at times.

What's your day job?

I am retired but volunteer guide at National Trust property Sutton Hoo.

What's one thing people might not know about you?

My father encouraged me into motorcycling. He is still riding at the age of 91.

Favourite post-event meal and drink?

With the guys at a pub within the ancient walls of Tenby. (After Ironman Wales). I went back this year on holiday (with the wife) and it was still good.

Dream bike?

BMW R90S in smoke orange (from the mid 1970's).

Any funny anecdotes or stories from events/working with the team?

A boss I worked for entered the Tour of Cambridgeshire. I looked carefully for him all day but didn't see him. Turns out he went out far too fast, burnt out after 10 miles and came back in the broom wagon.

How have you found it working with ATZ?

I've met some truly lovely people (both management and fellow riders). Early mornings and long(ish) rides home can be very tiring. This has become much better since retiring from my full time job.

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