Interview: Moto Steve Tulloch

How long have you been doing this kind of work and how long for ATZ? You could share previous experience here?

I joined NEG in 2015 working on regional and National British Cycling events including Triathlons and was involved in many sportives over the years with Velo29. I joined ATZ last year - the events I've worked on to date include 2022 London Triathlon, WTCS Sunderland, 2023 London Marathon, Etape Caledonia, Ride London, Tour of Cambridge and the Perth Grand Fondo!

Highlights of working with ATZ?

WTCS Sunderland and Etape Caledonia

Describe a typical day of a moto working on an event

Usually up crack of dawn, quick breakfast if we’re luck then out on the route to designated positions. We ensure the safety of competitors, escort vehicles, sometimes a bit of fettling of cyclists with mechanicals/punctures etc. We grab a quick lunch often on the go, and usually late stand down - a full day out on the bike is the norm!

What's your favourite aspect of the job? 

Looking after the competitors if they are in trouble and keeping them safe

What's one thing people might not know about you?

I’m not tight… just careful 🤪

Favourite post-event meal and drink?

Don’t drink… love pasta!

Dream bike?

I’ve probably owned most of the bikes I’ve wanted over the years… maybe a new BMW R1250 RT

How have you found it working with ATZ?

Really enjoy it. Our welfare is important to ATZ and the pay comes through in a timely manner.

Case Study: Cycling World Championships 2023 Glasgow


Case Study: Cambridge Half Marathon